TheHairston's Daily Deals
New Year's Keratin Sale
Step into the new year with the magic of a keratin treatment. Transform your unruly, unmanageable locks into the sleek and smooth hair of your dreams . Book your appointment now and welcome 2024 with a fabulous hair transformation and save Up To $50 off our most requested Keratin Services. Stop frizzy hair in it's tracks without compromising your curl pattern or hair health. All appointments include consultation time. Space is limited, so book today.
New Year, New You
The perfect self-care gift to start off your New Years just right . Our Lemon, Peppermint and lavender hydration masque is an infused treatment that invigorates the scalp and hydrates the hair. We start with a Lemon/peppermint scalp scrub followed by a deep hydrating hair masque. Wrapped in a Lemon/Peppermint and lavender steamed towel. (Choose just treatment or haircut/blow-dry option) This in-demand treatment is offer for only a little bit longer so hurry and book your treatment today.